A couple of weeks ago, we announced that we were supporting Student Minds as our chosen charity for the 2019/20 season. Customers have the opportunity to donate when they book on to our trips, and we will be doing fundraising activities throughout year. The response has been brilliant and we’ve already seen a number of donations for this amazing cause!
Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity. They empower students and members of the university community to develop the knowledge, confidence and skills to look after their own mental health, support others and create change.
Reports show that young adults aged 20–24 are less likely than any other age group to record high levels of well-being, and there was a fivefold increase in the number of students who disclose a mental health condition to their institution from 2007-2017.* These statistics highlight how crucial the work of Student Minds is, as students are becoming more confident in discussing their mental health and looking for support.
Some of their core activities include:
Training peer support facilitators to run programmes for those with mild depression or eating difficulties.
Equipping university staff to run workshops on how to support friends experiencing mental health difficulties, known as train the trainer programmes.
National campaigns that raise awareness and encourage conversations, including University Mental Health Day.
Creating digital resources to inform students on how to take care of their mental health.
Making policy recommendations to drive national change of the way student mental health is dealt with.
Developing a University Mental Health Charter, which will recognise and reward university institutions that prioritise mental health and deliver improved outcomes.
As a travel operator in the student market, it was without question that this was the charity we wanted to raise awareness and funds for. Should our customers or anyone close to them ever be struggling with their mental health at university, we hope that they have access to the support they need thanks to the tireless efforts of Student Minds.
Their latest campaign comes in the form of the Leaders Movement Appeal, a student-driven movement for change. Far too often decisions surrounding student mental health are made without the input from students themselves. The Leaders Movement will help students amplify their voice and organise local platforms that will transform the outlook of mental health in university communities. Watch the video below and see how you can help lead the change in student mental health:
When you book on to any Outgoing City Break, please consider making a donation to this very important cause. You never know when someone will need support for their mental health and, with the help of Student Minds, we can make sure this is provided at universities across the UK.
Find out how you can involved with Student Minds here: www.studentminds.org.uk